General Information

This information is intended to give a general overview of KG&CC and the amenities offered to the members. There are By-laws and standard operating procedures that contain detailed information on the governance of the Club that are available to any member upon request. Click here for a summary of what we can offer you!

Kitsap Golf & Country Club offers social, junior, military, business and golfing memberships totaling over 400 memberships serving over 1,000 people.

The primary membership is
Golf Stock. There are over 160 Golf Stock members who own shares of stock in Kitsap Golf & Country Club. You must be a golfing member to own stock in the club.

Only Golf Stock members have the right to vote and hold positions on the Board of Directors. An annual meeting and election of new Board of Directors members is held on the second Tuesday in October of each year. A vote-by-mail packet is sent to all voting members in advance of the annual meeting.

The Club is governed by a Board of Directors consisting of Golf Stock members elected by fellow Golf Stock members for a term of three years.

The Board of Directors appoints a Board member to chair each committee. The committee chair recruits interested members to serve on that committee. All membership types are permitted to serve on committees. Committees include Finance, Golf, Green, House and Membership.

Golfing members and their immediate families may use the golf course at any time as part of their membership. Social members are entitled to play up to six times per calendar year and may bring guests. Appropriate greens fees apply. Non-members may also play the course up to six times per year.

All golfing members are obligated to participate in this program. Social members may utilize this program as well.

Kitsap Golf & Country Club has a
reciprocal golf agreement with eleven private clubs in Washington and two in Idaho. This right is reserved for golf stock members only which allows play at these courses at no extra charge. All golfing arrangements must be made through Kitsap’s Golf Professional. Availability is subject to host club’s schedule.

The Tee Times is produced monthly. It contains notices of upcoming activities, hours of operation, articles of interest, management/staff columns, and updates from the Board of Directors and committees. Advertising opportunities are also available.  The e-version of the Tee Times is available in the
Member’s Only section of the web site.

Many of the social activities at the Club involve food and beverage. The club offers a wide range of dining opportunities. To ensure the highest standards we employ a full time Executive Chef and culinary team. The Club has accommodations for any size and type of event. Room discounts are available for members.

Dining Room - No jeans or colored jean pants, tee shirts, sweat shirts, spandex, tank tops, and midriff tops. Ladies’ shirts must have sleeves and collar. Golf attire and shorts are acceptable may through October. Shorts must be mid-thigh.
Other Areas - Jeans are acceptable. All clothing must be in good taste and neatly kept. Clothing that is offensive to others will not be tolerated.

The Club Dress Code is a matter of pride. Please show your pride by representing KG&CC proudly!

As a member of the golf club you are allowed to bring guests with certain restrictions. All non-member guests shall be limited to 6 times per calendar year. You are responsible for your guest and any damages caused by the guest while they are on the club premises. Make sure they are aware of the dress code before they arrive at the club. It is also your responsibility to come to the pro shop and check-in your guest. Guest greens fees include a "warm-up" size range bucket. If you bring a guest out to use the range only you must purchase their practice balls.

As with the golf course, certain etiquette and rules should be followed when using these areas. You should always leave these areas in better condition than when you arrived. We are all "custodians" of our club, please lead by example whenever the opportunity arises.

When on the greens, please do not run or stand close to a hole. It’s okay to have putting contests but if other people are practicing be courteous. Only practice chipping in the two designated areas.

Our driving range area is rather small so we need your help in keeping it functioning smoothly. If people are waiting finish your bucket at your normal pace then let them have your spot. Always use the sand and seed mix to fill in your divot holes when you are done. For your safety and the safety of others, only hit from between the ropes. This also helps maintain turf conditions. Try not to hit ball into the wooded area along the right side of the range. Take advantage of the many targets, it is better practice to play to a target. 

No matter how poorly you think you are playing you should never curse and slam or throw clubs.

All etiquette requirements as described in Section 1 of the USGA Rules of Golf Booklet must be followed. In caring for the golf course always replace your divots in fairways and fix your ball marks on the greens. If you can’t find your ball mark fix someone else’s! When teeing off please be careful not take divots with practice swings and please sand your divots after hitting your shot. Always rake the bunkers after playing from them and place the rake where it will not interfere with play. When on the greens do not twist your feet in any manner, walk normally to prevent damage from spike marks. If you are using a pull cart keep it 30 feet from all greens and tees.

The pace of play standard for Kitsap Golf and Country Club is that a foursome should complete nine holes in two hours or less and 18 holes in four hours or less. You must keep pace with the group in front of you. If you are invited to play through and choose to do so, proceed as quickly as you can and be sure to thank the group that is letting you play through. Keep in mind the following tips to assist your pace of play:

  - Always be ready when it’s your turn to play
  - When approaching greens, place your golf bag on the side  nearest the next tee
  - Do not pull any hand carts directly across greens or tees to save time
  - Only momentary stops between nines are permitted
  - Always follow the instructions of the pro shop or course marshal

You should never hit into a group playing in front of you. If you accidentally do this, walk forward and apologize immediately. Always yell "fore!" if your ball might hit another player.

Practicing is not permitted on the Golf Course.

You must be at least 18 years old with a valid driver’s license to rent or drive a golf cart belonging to the Pro Shop. A privately owned golf cart may be driven by someone under the age of 18 only if accompanied by an adult.

The pro shop staff is always available if you have questions or problems:
Head golf professional: Bill Hart, PGA Class A Professional
Pro shop phone: (360) 373-5101
Club house phone: (360) 377-0166

Have fun, we’ll see you on the course!

Kitsap Golf & Country Club does not and shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion (creed), gender, gender expression, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status, in any of its activities or operations. These activities include but are not limited to, hiring, and firing of staff, the acceptance of new members, and provisions of services. We are committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment for all members of our staff, members, guests, vendors, and clients.

Some history about our course designer, Francis James. Click here to see a map of the courses designed by Frank James, we think the breadth of his designs will astound you.

Visitor number: 20,136
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